Caterina Preda
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, PolArt, University of Bucharest
Caterina Preda holds a PhD in Political Science of the University of Bucharest (2009) and has had several undergraduate and post-graduate scholarships in Europe and South America, as well as postdoctoral fellowships. Associate Professor at the University of Bucharest, Department of Political Science, she teaches ‘Contemporary Latin America’, ‘Art and Politics’, and ‘Cultural memory in Eastern Europe and South America’ courses. She researches the relationship between art and politics in modern dictatorships in South America and Eastern Europe, as well as the art and politics of memory in the two regions. She has published several scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals, as well as chapters in volumes published by Routledge or Palgrave. She has coordinated several research projects at the University of Bucharest and has worked as part of other research teams.;
Maria Alina Asavei
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Charles University in Prague/PolArt – University of Bucharest
Maria-Alina Asavei is a senior lecturer at the Russian and East European Department (Institute of International Studies, Charles University) and an independent curator of contemporary art. She is a former honorary research fellow at City University of New York (CUNY) and at the American Research Center in Sofia (ARCS). In 2018-2019 she received the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Faculty Fellow, Centre for Orthodox Studies, Fordham University, New York. She is currently the Scientist in charge for Charles University within Horizon 2020 research project POPREBEL: Populist rebellion against modernity (2019-2021). She has published articles and book chapters with prestigious journals and publishing houses, such as Oxford University Press, Memory Studies, Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, European Journal of Women’s Studies. Her book Aesthetics, Disinterestedness and Effectiveness in Political Art (Lexington Books, 2018) deals with the concatenation of art, politics & aesthetics from a philosophical perspective. Her current book project is titled Art, Religion and Resistance in (Post-) Communist Romania – Nostalgia for Paradise Lost (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
Irina Cărăbaș
PhD, Lecturer, National University of Art
Lucia Dragomir
PhD, Lecturer, University of Bucharest
Irina Nastasă Matei
PhD, Lecturer, University of Bucharest
Dr. în istorie la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj. Autoare a monografiei ”Educaţie, politică şi propagandă: Studenţi români în Germania nazistă” (Cluj, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană / Bucureşti, Eikon, 2016), și co-autoare a volumului ”Cultură și propagandă. Institutul Român din Berlin, 1940-1945” (Editura MEGA, Cluj, 2018, cu Lucian Nastasă-Kovacs). Domenii de cercetare: relațiile româno-germane, transnaționalism, migrație academică, politici culturale, diplomație culturală/soft power/propaganda, studii germane, studii iudaice, istoria științei.
Alina Popescu
PhD, Associate Lecturer, University of Bucharest